Willowed High Magicks

Open your eyes to the world enchanted....

Welcome to Higher,Deeper magicks:)
My name is Willow,I am a Pagan Priestess.
I started this site to show the world what magick,and satanism really is.It's not evil like all of you think.But if you are arrogant,life will take you nowhere.To live in my world, you must have an open mind, and eyes,for what's in store for you in Higher Deeper Magicks.

Many ppl come here to find a powerful spell, or person, who ca teach them to become powerful. They are right in seeking powerful people, or a spell, but if you come here to get a love spell, or money spell, I Don' think i can help you.Every spell has risks, just like, No one spell is any more powerful then any other.

You don't need herbs,.or stones, or wandes, they are certainly very seful and help you, but they are just something to lean off of, you Don't need them to be powerful in magick. What makes you powerful in magick, is belief.

The key to magick is belief. If you don't believe, things will turn out very poorly for you.And i am sorry to here that.

What you believe is of course you choice, but it puts restrictions on your magicks. ANd remember, with walls, and barriers, some things are just not possible.

If you have any questions,comments, or concerns please contact me, at the contact me tab:)
Many of you have no experience or lots of experience with magick.If you are here for spells, basics,readings,or just to learn you have come to the right place.I specialize in several things such as:

-eygptian magicks
-dream decoding
-black arts
-mind control
-finding out your power
-native american ways of life
And many many more. Check out my site, and see whats in store:)

You have to leave the city
of your comfort
and go into the wilderness
of your intuition.
What you'll discover will be wonderful.
What you'll discover is yourself.

~ Alan Alda ~
